What you will find in the eBook:
- Pros and cons of the different bolt locking methods
- Evaluation of different products
- A print-friendly Guidance for Selection, to help you decide which product to use in your applications
针对组件中的螺栓防松问题,存在不同的选择情况。人们需要评估螺栓连接失效的风险以及在组件的整个生命周期内螺栓连接将要面临的动态载荷情况。 只有这样,人们才能依据常规原则为组件螺栓选择合适的方案。 每个螺栓连接都有独特之处,都需要按照这样的步骤操作。
锁紧方式 | 注释 |
摩擦力 |
摩擦紧固方式是通过增加接触面之间的阻力(摩擦)来防止相对滑动。 螺纹之间,紧固件与接触面之间的摩擦力增加可以防止松动。 开口环形垫圈、锯齿锁紧垫圈、齿形锁紧垫圈以及尼龙螺母都采用了该紧固原理。 Common friction-based bolt locking products: |
机械式 |
机械式紧固法使用物理屏障防止紧固件的松动。机械锁紧法包括止动垫圈,它的侧耳可以向上弯曲以确保螺母正确位置。锁线可以穿过螺栓头/螺母与相邻紧固件相连。 二者均能防止紧固件松动,但需要注意的是在动态载荷中一部分预紧力会逐渐丢失。 Common mechanical bolt locking products: |
粘合式 |
该方法使用液体粘合剂来防止连接松动。粘合剂被涂抹在螺纹上。 粘合剂不受紧固件尺寸的约束;然而,它们的化学成分可能会对健康造成危害。它们还会对扭矩/载荷比产生不利影响,从而导致无法精确预紧。 |
几何法 |
几何法利用紧固件自身的形状来确保振动或动态载荷中紧固件的正确位置。 楔形制锁垫圈是最常见的几何式紧固法,它的一面是楔形齿另一面是径向细齿。径向细齿保证两片垫圈之间不发生任何松动。 而楔形齿会在螺栓出现松动趋势时增加其自身的张力。 这样可以完全确保在正确预紧力下连接不松动。 |
Non-locking |
There are some products that do not have a locking function. They might be commonly used due to ease of procurement, but the main purpose is mostly to protect the mating surface of the application. Common non-locking products: |
From a more advanced technical perspective, there are other considerations to every unique bolted connection, ranging from lubrication, settlements, mating surface and operating conditions.
What happens to an unsecured bolted joint? Find out in the video below.
Get your free eBook on the topic of bolt loosening and see how different bolt locking products perform.
What you will find in the eBook: